• 8 years ago

Fireworks all across the bay.

For Shannon


Snow (song)

Words & Music by Allison Crowe

Ice blue,
first snow falls
whispers peacefully

Floating, reeling
you land
On everybody
Keeping them warm

Alive, dancing
through the air
on the winds

Falling, landing
on all you have seen

Set the air
find without formation
No lines, barricades
just abstract light

A different shape
for every eye that sees
A comfort, a brush
through all of our eyes

Alive, dancing
through the air
on the winds

Falling, landing
leaving your light
on all that you have seen

So smile and watch
As the snow falls around us
Leaning on us all, too

Never, never one shade,
Never, never one shape
Always in motion

Alive, dancing
through the air
on the winds

Always, landing
Fixing your light
on all that you have seen

Alive, dancing
through the air
on the winds

Always, landing
Fixing your light
on all you have seen

Snow (original poem by Allison Crowe)

Ice blue,
beautiful silence
The first snow falls
and whispers peacefully

Floating and reeling
you land in a snowflake
On everybody’s jackets
Keeping them company

Set about the air
and find without formation
No lines, no barricades
just abstract light

A different shape
for every eye that sees
A comfort, a brush
through all of our eyes

Lively and dancing
through the air
in the Winter's night
on the winds

Falling and landing
landing and fixing
leaving an imprint
on all you have seen

and in this ice blue silence
this beautiful memory,
do not guard jealously
no time to despair

no pain in this cold
Just good, just kindness
A blanket of memory
Soft in the night

So smile and watch
As the snow falls around us
Landing on us all
Leaving peace to remember

Never one shade,
Never one shape
Always in motion
And beauty inspired


