Kangana Ranaut: 'Revolver Rani is the best Hindi pulp film I have ever seen'

  • 8 years ago
Kangana Ranaut, who won a lot of accolades for her power-packed performance in Queen, is now gearing up for the release of her forthcoming film Revolver Rani. Kangana says that the film is the best Hindi pulp film that she has ever seen and she wants the audiences to accept it the way they had accepted and appreciated Queen. Talking about the film at a promotional event, the actress said, ''I can only go on saying nice things about my own film but I think for me this film is very very special and after Queen it's a lot more special because the way Queen has been appreciated and accepted, it gets my hopes a little too high.'' ''I hope people like this character too, it is very different from Queen, the film itself is an unusual film. The treatment of the movie, the concept, the characters of the film and its story are very different, very contemporary. It is Mr. Sai Kabir's first film and I think it's is the best Hindi pulp film I have ever seen and I hope you guys like it too.'' Revolver Rani also stars Vir Das, Zakir Hussain and Piyush Mishra in pivotal roles and is slated to release on April 25.

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