Bill would block porn from computers and phones sold in South Carolina

  • 8 years ago
COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA — State representatives Bill Chumley and Mike Burns are hell-bent on passing a bill that would make it harder and more expensive to access adult content online. Why? To combat human trafficking, they say.

The Spartanburg Herald Journal reports that under their Human Trafficking Prevention Act, all devices sold in South Carolina will need to be installed with a digital blocking system to filter out obscene content.

The proposed bill has a loophole though: Manufacturers or sellers could opt out if they fork over $20 per gadget.

Buyers who want the porn filters gone from their devices will also need to pay the same amount, on top of submitting a written request and proving they’re over 18.

All the money collected will supposedly go to the South Carolina attorney general’s human trafficking task force, as funding for anti-trafficking efforts.

The bill has already been referred to the South Carolina House Judiciary Committee and will be considered when the legislative session resumes in January.

As it is though, the bill will infringe on some pretty basic First Amendment rights, so who knows whether it will even get passed.


