• 9 years ago
A test of Sony Vegas' 4K render settings, and a wee bit of fun.

Hey HiT, if you're ever looking for a new composer for the series, try out MKtheinstrumentalist. It would be one of the best choices you've ever made, I guarantee it! XD

MKtheinstrumentalist has become a good friend of mine, and I truly appreciate his friendship and his great skills. His recent cover of Donald & Douglas' S20 theme was so close to the original, that I got an idea. With the help of a new method that MK taught me, we were able to isolate all the vocals of the US dub of Love Me Tender, then I added his music and some 4K footage.

Please check out MK's YouTube channel, and his awesome D&D S20 theme, it's really worth watching again and again. :D
A link for that is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9g7jCsoSwY

I own nothing. The footage and vocals are owned by Thomas & Friends and HiT Entertainment, and music is used with permission from MKtheinstrumentalist. No money shall be made off this video.
