Kids and their dad have lots of fun playing pranks on each other. See what dad does to get revenge for the pranks his daughters have been pulling on him.
Dad scares his daughter with a loud beating on the drum out of nowhere surprise. 11 year old girl gets revenge by making the water spray in the kitchen sink get .
This is my life as a Father.
Here is a compilation of some funny pranks between dad and his kids. See their reactions. Dad and his daughter do the egg roulette challenge. See who wins .
Dad scares his daughter with a loud beating on the drum out of nowhere surprise. 11 year old girl gets revenge by making the water spray in the kitchen sink get .
This is my life as a Father.
Here is a compilation of some funny pranks between dad and his kids. See their reactions. Dad and his daughter do the egg roulette challenge. See who wins .
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