• 9 years ago
You know that when the director wants somebody to disappear, he asks the script writer to make the character die in the next episode. This is exactly it.

Produced and Written by:
Lingyi Xiong & Jason Hau

Matthew Stewart (@Maxzzie) - https://www.facebook.com/maxzzie
Kim Yon Soo
GM Cutie (Path Of Exile GM)

We have 5 pairs of Garena Carnival 2015 tickets to give away, as well as one Logitech G430 headset!
To win, simply:
1. Grab your favourite moment from this video (Screencap or video)
2. Upload to Instagram and hashtag #GarenaCarnival2015

Contest ends 1st June, 11:59PM.

Purchase your tickets via SISTIC now -- http://goo.gl/niW26B
What to expect at Garena Carnival 2015 – http://goo.gl/vgOhC
Garena Carnival FB Events Page -- http://goo.gl/JFWwHU

Play Path Of Exile for FREE!
Sign up for the Act 4 now!

We're on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/wahbananasg
Twitter/Instagram @wahbananasg

