Rock N Learn Spanish sample

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This is a sample from Rock N Learn Spanish Volume 1 and Volume 2. These catchy songs will have you speaking Spanish in no time. You will easily learn useful vocabulary words and conversational phrases. Colorful, energetic performers entertain and motivate students of all ages. Delayed answers make it easy to check your progress. The complete program (both volumes) covers greetings, counting, numbers, colors, parts of the body, conversation, meal time, words and phrases to use at school, the Spanish alphabet, where you are from, travel phrases, family, counting to 100, the calendar, favorite activities, telling time in Spanish, question words, getting directions, and more.\r
Awards: Parents Guide to Childrens Media Award; Parents Choice Recommended\r
Salsa and rock music help young viewers learn some basic words and phrases in Spanish. Enthusiastic performers present basic words and phrases in both English and Spanish. Repetition encourages retention of what was learned. A fun way to be introduced to a new language.—Parents Guide to Childrens Media Award\r
The basic vocabulary and sentence structures that are drilled into us in Spanish class come alive in this video. The characters are as enjoyable to see as they are to hear, and the music is pleasant. The video component made a world of difference to the student testers—even the most reluctant participants spoke out freely when they could see the sentences and phrases written on the screen. Any learning tool that elevates student involvement to 100% is a valuable one indeed.—Parents Choice Recommended\r
Thank goodness for our public library carrying Rock N Learn Spanish videos. I cant seem to borrow it anymore; I think I told too many people about it. I was raving about how my son was learning Spanish by watching this video when he was only 2 years old. He wasnt speaking English very good yet he knew his colors and numbers in Spanish. Now, he knows how to greet, and ask for the time. Hell be 4 in April.—parent