Tensions high as migrant camp attacked

  • 8 years ago
Tensions are high on the Greek island of Chios after rocks and petrol bombs were hurled at a makeshift camp for refugees and migrants.

Scenes of hate: right-wing extremists attack #RefugeesGr Souda camp on Chios. Police protection needed https://t.co/s46oNJulaA #IWelcome pic.twitter.com/fwUCdW9jGN— amnestypress (@amnestypress) November 18, 2016

What happened?

Video footage shows people struggling to put out the flames with blankets.

Women and children were evacuated from the camp after the incident, which happened overnight on Thursday.

Sent by panicked #refugees in Souda camp, currently under attack by fascists for second night in a row: #RefugeesGR #Chios pic.twitter.com/as3uiBgyxG— Chios Monitor (@ChiosMonitor) November 17, 2016

Footage of the fire happening in #Souda refugee camp on #Chios. Disgusting abuse of defenceless refugees.#RefugeesGR #Refugees #EU pic.twitter.com/qqsQZUrfT6— Chios Monitor (@ChiosMonitor) November 17, 2016

Is it the first time this has happened?


This was the second night running of incidents at the facility.

It is a makeshift camp run by the local municipality of the Aegean island.

There were incidents on Wednesday when individuals let off fireworks from the camp and outsiders threw stones.

In September, thousands of people fled a migrant camp on the Greek island of Lesbos after fire swept through tents and cabins during violence among residents.

How many people are in the camp?

More than 1,000, according to police.

More than 3,000 migrants and refugees are currently in Chios.

The state facilities have the capacity for 1,100 people.

What about the island as a whole?

More than 3,000 migrants and refugees are currently in Chios.

The state facilities have the capacity for a further 1,100 people.

What is the legal situation?

Under an EU deal with Turkey, migrants and refugees arriving after March the 20th are to be held in centres set up on five Aegean islands, including Chios.

They will be sent back if their asylum applications are not accepted.

Mayor of Greek Chios Island Urges Closing Suda Camp Amid Migrant Riots https://t.co/CvDPsTjWaL— Voice of Europe (@V_of_Europe) November 18, 2016

What they are saying

“Both incidents together have destroyed the places to sleep for around 100 men, women and children. Today, there was a third incident where stones were thrown and one Syrian man was seriously injured in the head and had to be hospitalised,” – Roland Schoenbauer, UNHCR spokesperson.
