Sole power and will belongs to God. Individuals do not have their independent wills

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: "I have free will, why don't you accept it?" Is there a part in our lives, albeit a small one, that God does not know about? Is there a part that is beyond His power? Is there a period of time in which God does not know what we will do? If you think so, then you have nothing to do with religion. Because he is the Creator and you are the created. It is God who created you and the destiny. What you say is "I know, but God does not." You say that, "There is a minuscule part to life that God does not know about." God created time within an infinitely short period of time. He knows what you do or what you will do down to its smallest detail. Small or great; God knows everything. If you believe otherwise, you can explain it in the Hereafter. Go ahead and say "O Lord! You did not know some small details about me" if you can - God is above such thoughts-. You cannot say such a thing. How can there be something God does not know about? What you imply is that there are things that God does not know about to a lesser degree. In other words, less means little. EBRU ALTAN: God says in the verse of the Quran, I seek refuge in God from satan; "Not even the smallest speck eludes your Lord."

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