Ov Moros

  • 8 years ago
Ov Moros
is the being of impending doom, who drives mortals to their deadly fate. He is one of the offspring of Nyx (Night), who had conceived him without male intervention, and brother of the Moirai (Fates). It was even proclaimed by the Fates that not even Zeus could question Moros (destiny), who like his mother, Nyx, was invisible and dark. To break with destiny was to reintroduce Chaos into the world. Even if Zeus issued a decree or made a promise he later regretted, he could not then change his decree because it was destiny. In which case, he was the only force that Zeus truly dreaded. Because of this, Moros was also considered to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. All of the major and minor gods that were not realated to him lived in fear of what Doom (Moros) could or would do to them. Aeschylus describes how Prometheus saved mankind from the misery of seeing their doom (Moros) with the gift of hope (Elpis) that came from Pandora's Box. Moros' siblings Thanatos and Ker represented the physical aspects of death—Ker was the bringer of violent death and killing sickness, while Thanatos represented a peaceful, passing away.

