Vatican backed Venezuela talks show signs of progress

  • 8 years ago
Despite a hostile opening Venezuela’s political rivals appear to have made some progress in Vatican backed talks to bring stability to country that is spiralling out control.

Familiares de presos políticos fueron recibidos por el Monseñor Claudio Celli— Unidad Venezuela (@unidadvenezuela) November 12, 2016

The government and oppostion have reached “fundamental agreements” in order to find a solution to the crisis.

The Vatican envoy Claudio Maria Celli appeared optimistic:“I see this moment as very positive, one of the ex-presidents used the word ‘miracle’ that the two delegations talk and do so in a respectful manner.”

#Venezuela People in east #Caracas neighborhood wait patiently for arrival of rice today.
via@Imag3n— Michael Welling (@WellingMichael) November 12, 2016

The opposition want an early election if President Maduro continues to refuse a referendum on his removal from office.

There are also calls for a humanitarian corridor to be opened to get urgent food and medicine into the country.

Venezuela has been hit hard by falling crude prices, which has led to a shortage of