1:40 - 6:39 Episode 29 Amazing magic wand\r
6:40 - 11:39 Episode 30 Youre the best, Poby\r
11:40 - 16:39 Episode 31 Night wonders\r
16:40 - 21:45 Episode 32 Where did the ball go?\r
Episode 29. Amazing Magic Wand \r
Pororo and Crong come to Tongtongs house while Tongtong is out. They wait for Tongtong and fall asleep.\r
Zzzz~zzz~ Because of Pororo and Crongs snoring, Clock and Kitty ask the magic wand to stop the noisy snore. Pororo and Crong end up being chased by the angry magic wand. What will happen to them?\r
Episode 30. Youre the Best, Poby \r
Crong breaks his toy car while playing with it. Pororo and Crong head to Pobys house for help, but Poby is already busy fixing Harrys house. Loopy is impressed with Pobys handy work and says that Poby is the best. Pororo gets jealous of Loopys praise toward Poby and tries to prove that he can do what Poby does. Pororo tries to fix Loopys broken clock but how can he fix a complicating clock when he cant even fix a simple toy car? Will he be able to fix Loopys clock or will he end up disappointing Loopy?\r
Episode 31. Night Wonders \r
Crong likes Loopys doll Toto. So he asks Loopys permission to borrow the doll for one night. Crong gets to borrow the doll and he falls asleep with it in his bed. That night, like magic, Toto comes in front of Crong and leads him out of the house to ride a sled. On the sled ride Totos hat is blown off by the wind. Crong wakes up in the morning. Was it all just a dream? How could it be a dream when Totos hat is missing?\r
Episode 32. Where Did The Ball Go? \r
Pororo and Crong played at the playground with their ball. They forgot about the ball and went home. When they returned to the playground to find their ball, it was lost. They couldnt find it anywhere. They tell their friends about the missing ball, and Eddy steps in to investigate where the ball had gone. Will Eddy and Rodys investigation find the missing ball?
6:40 - 11:39 Episode 30 Youre the best, Poby\r
11:40 - 16:39 Episode 31 Night wonders\r
16:40 - 21:45 Episode 32 Where did the ball go?\r
Episode 29. Amazing Magic Wand \r
Pororo and Crong come to Tongtongs house while Tongtong is out. They wait for Tongtong and fall asleep.\r
Zzzz~zzz~ Because of Pororo and Crongs snoring, Clock and Kitty ask the magic wand to stop the noisy snore. Pororo and Crong end up being chased by the angry magic wand. What will happen to them?\r
Episode 30. Youre the Best, Poby \r
Crong breaks his toy car while playing with it. Pororo and Crong head to Pobys house for help, but Poby is already busy fixing Harrys house. Loopy is impressed with Pobys handy work and says that Poby is the best. Pororo gets jealous of Loopys praise toward Poby and tries to prove that he can do what Poby does. Pororo tries to fix Loopys broken clock but how can he fix a complicating clock when he cant even fix a simple toy car? Will he be able to fix Loopys clock or will he end up disappointing Loopy?\r
Episode 31. Night Wonders \r
Crong likes Loopys doll Toto. So he asks Loopys permission to borrow the doll for one night. Crong gets to borrow the doll and he falls asleep with it in his bed. That night, like magic, Toto comes in front of Crong and leads him out of the house to ride a sled. On the sled ride Totos hat is blown off by the wind. Crong wakes up in the morning. Was it all just a dream? How could it be a dream when Totos hat is missing?\r
Episode 32. Where Did The Ball Go? \r
Pororo and Crong played at the playground with their ball. They forgot about the ball and went home. When they returned to the playground to find their ball, it was lost. They couldnt find it anywhere. They tell their friends about the missing ball, and Eddy steps in to investigate where the ball had gone. Will Eddy and Rodys investigation find the missing ball?
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