#3 Reason I chose my Vivace RF Microneedling over my Fractional 1540nm Laser

RF Microneedling

by RF Microneedling

Esthetic Advisor and medlasersales.com CEO, Kris Groop, discusses how the thermal necrotic zones associated with the 1540 can take up to 24 hours to close which often results in breakouts or milia in the area of treatment.

Kris states, "Vivace uses RF to create heat in the dermis, not the epidermis, microchannels will close up in 4-6 hours. Thus far, there have been very few reports of breakouts in the literature and none of my patients have reported any breakouts from the treatments."

Kris has certified thousands of doctors, nurses and other skin professionals on the safe and proper use of both light based therapies and medical esthetics. Kris co-invented the SkinStylus® Microneedling System, the world’s first autoclave sterilizable microneedling device after a growing concern over cross-contamination. With the introduction of the Vivace RF Microneedling System to the USA, Kris has become an avid Vivace luminary and distributes the device in Arizona, Las Vegas, New Mexico, and New England. She maintains her private practice in Scottsdale, continues to teach at her laser academy, lectures nationwide, has written many published articles, serves as an expert witness for laser lawsuits, and consults with clinicians nationwide.