Avoid (Melaleuca) FRAUD is-ok-if-u-like 97% Failure ...

  • 16 years ago
scams - View Single Post - Avoid all (Melaleuca) related scams. FRAUD!!!
I cannot believe how many of these Melaleuca discussions are going on this ... have been burned by a Home Business Scam - only once - by Four Point Group. ...
www.scam.com/showpost.php?p=240564&postcount=77 - 17k -

The free training they promised is a joke. Most of them are just 'motivational' calls and you hear the same thing again and again but nothing that will help you build a downline.

They always refer you to the person that signed you up, they try to 'push' you to work your 'warm market' which is basically your friends and family, and/or to purchase 'leads'

Personally I think the leads are another part of the money making scheme here. You pay for a list of phone numbers of potential customers to call.

For More Information:Call Me

"(Melaleuca): The Wellness Company – (Melaleuca) offers a complete line of wellness products -- patented and proprietary products that use breakthrough technology to deliver top performance. From scientifically developed nutritional supplements to environmentally friendly home care cleaners, personal care products, and more - you'll find a complete line of wellness products enhancing your health, the environment, and your families well-being!"
(Melaleuca), Wellness Company, Health, Body, Beauty, Home, Medicine Cabinet, Services"

Lets look at the time tested, proven money making MLM/PARTY (Melaleuca) PLAN COMPANY marketing strategies!

(Melaleuca) Driving all over town meeting ‘hot prospects’ lunching, wining and dining ‘non-starters’ with no vision. Have you seen the gas prices lately?

For More Information:Call Me

(Melaleuca) Here is my personal favorite, The List of 100 of Your Closest Family and Friends! Do you even know 100 people? Like Really? Ha, there is nothing like getting into a business to really discover you don’t have close family and ...