World's Most Epic Music Ever All Heroes Suffer (Efisio Cross)


by Paschalis.


Russia Names Hillary Clinton As “Murder Suspect”

In Deaths Of Two (2) UFO Researchers. October 31st, 2016

An astonishing Investigative Committee (IC) report circulating in the Kremlin today names US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a “suspect/accomplice” in the mysterious deaths of two top UFO researchers who were in direct “correspondence/communication” with her campaign chairman John Podesta—who himself has previously been linked with having ties to the Russian mafia. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.] According to this report, the Investigative Committee is the main federal investigating authority in Russia answerable only to President Putin and whose crime investigations center on combating corruption among the various police and intelligence forces of the Federation—most specifically the infiltration of these public bodies by the Bratva (“brothers/brotherhood”), who in Western culture are often referred to as the Russian mafia.

The largest of these criminal organizations, this report explains, is the Solntsevskaya Bratva who work closely with the Moscow-based Taganskaya Crime Syndicate (Tambov Gang) whose illegally “gained/earned” monies are laundered through many Russian, European, and American banks by the Podesta Group that is headed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s brother Tony Podesta.

In late July (2016), this report continues, IC investigators received the Ministry of Defense (MoD) report relating to the downing of an Indian Air Force plane struck by what was believed to be a “Vimāna” that was accelerating towards Antarctica in the Southern Ocean. [See our 22 July 2016 report: “Time Well Event” Downs Indian Military Plane As Russian Forces Go On High Alert]

Most concerning to IC investigators about the information provided to them by the MoD, this report notes, was its detailing the mysterious deaths of two internationally known UFO investigators—and whom the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) had previously identified as having a “considerable/substantial” amount of electronic communications with Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta.

The UFO investigators who were killed after communicating with John Podesta, this report states, were Gaurav Tiwari and Max Spiers—with Spiers, in 2013, having warned from information he received from John Podesta that “race wars would be sparked in the US in order to generate chaos, and whose agenda involved creating a problem and bringing in a solution, in essence: the New World Order”. Max Spiers (left) and Gaurav Tiwari (right) both met untimely dearhs recently...

The connecting link, the common link between them is their contact & UFFO inquiries with John Podesta

As to why Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta was in communication with these UFO researchers, this report explains, was due to his lifelong fascination with UFO’s and aliens—but became greatly concerning to Hillary Clinton this past Spring after he told a CNN reporter, on 7 April, that the American people could handle the truth about aliens, and the following day, 8 April, the Washington Post wrote an article about him titled:

The Long, Strange History Of John Podesta’s Space Alien Obsession.

After the Washington Post published their article on John Podesta and his “love/attraction” of UFO and aliens, this report continues, SVR intelligence analysts reported to the IC that Hillary Clinton became “enraged/alarmed” over his communicating with UFO researchers Gaurav Tiwari and Max Spiers—and especially with Spiers who Podesta had confided the most secret plans Hillary Clinton was going to use to destroy America.

After Hillary Clinton ordered her campaign chairman John Podesta to immediately break off all contact with both Gaurav Tiwari and Max Spiers, this report says, Spiers mother, Vanessa Bates, reported to the British press that he “was set to expose a government cover-up”, and that two days before his mysterious death he sent a text to her warning: