CAUSSE sculpture by Milène Guermont at Montparnasse Cemetery

  • il y a 8 ans
Vernissage at Montparnasse Cemetery in Paris, 1 November 2016, 4-6pm.

When contemporary art and high technologies enter the cemetery : a high-tech concrete artwork for a graveyard

CAUSSE is an artwork made of high performance concrete and light commissioned to Milène Guermont by an eminent French scientist to be his ultimate tracking place on Earth.

The silhouette of the sculpture evokes the mounts of the Causses – a group of limestone plateaux in south-western France – where the scientist (who is also art collector) is born.

CAUSSE is formed by 12 facets, representing the 12 floors of the photo-electric cell with multiplied electrons invented by the scientist. Thanks to optical fibres embedded into the concrete, light goes from one facet to another, like the electrons in the photo-electric cell. When a cloud, a bird or a visitor passes in front of an optical fibre, it darkens a point of light on another facet.

Perfectly vertical, the longer side of CAUSSE anchors it powerfully in the ground and defines an ascending strength. The obliques of the sculpture come from this mark.
The global tension of the lines creates an infinite visual dynamics, a synthesis between nature and abstraction: a movement of elevation to which a spiritual interpretation can be given.

A passage from the Earth to the sky, games with light and triangles, an installation on a classified site, innovations and exceptional authorisations, CAUSSE bears similarities to the monumental sculpture PHARES (www.sculpturephares) imagined at the same moment by Milène Guermont to create a dialogue with the obelisk on the place de la Concorde in Paris.

Movie on CAUSSE made by Constance Beaujoin on a music of Saint-Preux.
