Grow or Stagnate - The Decision for Humanity - Robert Zubrin [Full HD,1080p]

  • 8 years ago
Humanity stands today, at the precipice of the greatest decision in its history. We have a window of opportunity, to live now one of our most profound and enduring dreams. That is, to at last shed the bonds of gravity, and fulfill the destiny of life to spread thoughout the solar system - and perhaps, even, to the stars. It is either that, or relegate our destiny to mediocrity and the vagaries of chance, to finally end in eventual extinction.

It is not a choice for the dark-hearted feudal relics of Earth's past to make. Instead, it is a challenge to be taken up by those who bear the flame of the deep-seated pioneering spirit. It is for those who understand that the reach of mankind should, from now on, exceed our grasp.

Too long we have allowed the cynical, the hypocrites filled with shameless greed, and those who secretly despise the higher ambitions of humanity, make our decisions for us. At last, the way is open to an enduring and brighter path, which will fundamentally preserve, expand, and enrich the future of all coming generations.

adventure, Mars, Spacex, space flight, Mars Colony, Elon Musk, space exploration, rocket, Interplanetary Transport Ssytem, science