Ten More Myths About HIV/AIDS

  • 16 years ago
Becky Kuhn, M.D. debunks 10 more common myths about HIV/AIDS, including the myths that: HIV has never been isolated; HIV tests are often wrong; the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved HIV tests; you are better off without ARVs than with them; antiretroviral medications (ARVs) are not effective for treating AIDS; AIDS is caused by Antiretroviral Medications (ARVs); AZT does more harm than good; AIDS is caused by use of inhaled recreational drugs such as nitrites (also known as "poppers"); AIDS is caused by injection drug use, not by HIV; and humans created HIV. Myths like these are harmful because they confuse people about the origin of HIV and its role as the cause of AIDS. Make sure you get accurate information about HIV and AIDS. Base decisions about your personal health and safety on the findings of research studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. HIV causes AIDS. HIV tests can accurately determine whether or not you are infected with HIV. ARVs are effective for treating HIV/AIDS and save lives. Knowing the facts about how HIV is transmitted can mean the difference between life and death. Protect yourself and those around you. Take steps to avoid contracting HIV and to avoid transmitting it if you are HIV positive. This video is a sequel to our popular video "The Top Ten Myths About HIV/AIDS." It refutes misinformation from the "Lee Evans HIV Tests" video. Visit http://www.GlobalLifeworks.org and http://AIDSvideos.org to learn more. [Do you want to help prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS? Are you fluent in a language other than English? Then volunteer to translate this video into another language! Click http://AIDSvideos.org/translate.shtml to learn how you can help!!!]
