Rexona | Over Engineered

  • 16 years ago
Sci-fi tv spot for Rexona

See the playfully competitive relationship between a man and his robotic roommate. The robot's curiosity and skepticism over the deodorant claims ends up in a humorous way.

Agency: Lowe Worldwide NY

Writers: Keke Toledo Piza, Roger Baran
Art directors: Keke Toledo Piza, Roger Baran
Creative Director: Stephen Lundberg
Executive Creative Director: Fernanda Romano
Chief Creative Officer: Mark Wnek
Agency Producer: Jill Meschino
Production Company: MJZ, LA
Director: Matthijs Van Heijningen
Producer: Betsy Oliver
Executive Producer: Jeff Scruton
DP: Chris Soos

Editing Company: Final Cut
Editor: Joe Guest

Post Production: The Mill