Sharyl Attkisson - Astroturf & manipulation of media messages

  • 8 years ago
This may be the most important video you ever see. Veteran CBS News journalist Sharyl Attkisson tells how corporations, politicians and pressure groups:

A - Create tax free foundations to market their products and/or narrative by "independent studies" and press releases to reporters.

B - Hire academics to offer testimonials and skewed studies to peer reviewed journals.

C - Hire PR firms to lock down Wikipedia and pay official Wikipedia editors, as well as WebMD.

D - Use said PR firms to create blogs and fake news sites with fake testimonials and narratives, create positive comments on blogs and web sites, use software that manages hundreds of fake twitter and Facebook accounts, and pay Google SEO specialists who manipulate what you find when you do a Google search.

E - Said PR firms also impugn and controversialize anyone who posts information contrary to the PR firm client's narrative.

The result is that most anything you can look up online easily is often something that is crafted and spoonfed to you. The synergy of the PR narrative is so pervasive that to those not really digging deep, they are manipulated by a Truman Show-esque alternate reality.

The lengths that politicians, pressure groups and corporations will go, and the sophistication of the methods of lying are so advanced, that many people are powerless to know the wiser.
