Electric Eels Agitated

  • 8 years ago
I mean that was literally his job.

The only change was he had a coworker.
[] Because you are asking reddit... because, well, because you have come to reddit to ask how to earn $1,000,000 in 1 month. hahahahahahahahahahaha I wish you luck, I really, really do.
[] Anyone notice it says AC 220~265V for input?
Common people

A majority of the world's population live on coastal areas. What do you think is gonna happen when sea levels rise and destroy those coastal areas? Oh, but I'm sure that's just liberal propaganda. It's not like there's a 99% scientific consensus that the world's climate is increasing in warmth.

Who needs science, right? Screw weather reports, doctors, and chemists.

In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.
[] Still, I don't remember being in a town anywhere in America that had more grocery stores than bars. Usually there's one maybe two grocery stores in a town and 2+ bars on "Main Street" alone. The bigger the town, the bigger the gap seems to widen. This is all anecdotal and from my own experience though.
[] First wave of human migration out of Africa lol
[] I have a question for this thread. I don't smoke cigarette. I tried, but I hate it. now I do like the occasional hit from one when im out drinking, but that's all. But I do smoke weed. Does the smoke still affect my lungs as bad as a cigarette does?
[] I drive a Sienna CE. I always say CE stands for "cheap edition".
[] Midnight.

So 20 minutes.
[] Thanks!
[] Damn live in the moment u nerds
[] I'll see you all in therapy
[] seriously, the animation in this had my jaw dropping, it's magnificently done. I love watching the fights
[] We get this one a lot so I can't consider it the "dumbest" because we hear a lot of wild stuff, but working at a family owned cellphone store in the hood of philly...one question some people ask when they come in and see a display of phones on the shelves "hey do you guys sell phones here"
[] Amazing read!
[] First line: A SCHOOL and nursery in the German city of Hamburg have been evacuated and anti-terror police have been scrambled to the scene amid reports a gunman is on the loose.
[] Goddammit. Triggered.

Tech support flashbacks.
[] Well technically they are on a keyboard because of the symbols.
Harming a child has no excuse or defense. But I struggle to wrap my mind around the double standard we have for violence and sex when it comes to people who view the material.

Yeah, but the kids being abused in those pictures are real. By being a customer for that stuff, you encourage the abuse of those kids by criminal rings. So while it might not be as bad as directed abuse it should still be a crime.
[] because you have a hole in your pocket and sometimes your balls touch your debit card but you swipe anyways?
[] Good try kiddo. The comment is clearly about the discussion at hand. I support a friend in an attempt to make something popular. I am not discussing why the e was emboldened. Said nothing about it. You are though. But i appreciate you shedding light on it for all those who are unaware and ironically supporting the cause with your immaturity. Funny how things work out when kids try to be grown. Its adorable.
[] The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo for ever changed this song for me
[] People wonder how Trump has made it so far, or why the UK voted to leave the EU. And then you read threads like this.
[] he played hel so nicely and with so much love to details i cant take him serious i every other role... no malcolms dad, meth isnt blue!
[] /r/dankchristianmemes

