Our Beautiful Laundrette 'Silver Jeans' in Hollywood, CA

  • 16 years ago
http://www.silverjeans.com . (Michael Goldstein)@ http://www.stunmedia.com (social media expert)+(strategic creative)+(stun creative) .About (Michael Goldstein)http://michael-goldstein.stunmedia.com Experimental video shot on the back of a traditional photo shoot. It wasn't meant to look super slick. We created a story then tried to see if we could shoot it on video in between the still images. It ended up being a bit of a nightmare - models were tired, photography crew only got in the way and the laundrette opened for business! But - the food was great and we knew what we wanted to shoot. It shows what you can do when you know your story -- just grab your coverage come what may, then hope your editor has a sense of humor and slap a good piece of music onto it! BTW, if you look carefully, you can see one of our camera guys in one of the shots (for about a second - like i said, sense of humor required on this shoot :) I hope you like it.