Parkersburg Marietta Video Marketing|740-538-0563|Local Videos Bring Your Business More Customers

  • 8 years ago
Are you underestimating the power of online videos to grow your business with Parkersburg Marietta Video Marketing?


Here are some facts you should know

Videos On Landing Pages Increase Conversions By 86%

Emails That Include Video Can Increase Click Through Rates By 90%

Videos Improve Understanding Of Your Product Or Service By 74%

75% Of Viewers Visit The Marketer’s Website After View A Video


100 Million Internet Users Watch Videos Online Every Day

In fact, 1/3 Of All The Time Users Spend Online Is Spent Watching Videos


80% Of Website Visitors Will Watch A Short Video All The Way Through
While Only 20% Will Read All Of The Written Content


52% Of Consumers Say That Watching Product Videos Makes Them More Confident In Purchase Decisions

64% Of Consumers Are More Likely To Buy A Product After Watching A Video About It


Online Videos Are Shared 1200% More Than Text and Links COMBINED


It Is 50x Easier To Achieve a Page 1 Ranking On Google With A Video
The Information Retained In One Minute Of Online Video Is Equal To About 1.8 Million Written Words
The Average User Spends 88% More Time On a Website With Video


But videos are not limited to your website…
Did you know that YouTube is the 2nd Largest Search Engine Online - Right Behind Google?


More than ONE BILLION Users Visit YouTube Each Month
More Than 6 BILLION Hours of Video Are Watched Each Month
300 Hours of Video Are Uploaded to YouTube Every Minute


As mobile usage continues to grow, so does online video…

50%f YouTube Views Are On Mobile Devices
Mobile Shoppers Are 3 Times More Likely to Watch A Video Than Desktop And Laptop Users
92% Of Mobile Video Viewers Share Videos With Others
33% Of Tablet Owners Watch One Hour Of Video Per Day On Their Devices


70% Of Marketers Say That Video Performs Better Than Other Content For Producing Conversions
YET Millions of Small Businesses Still Aren’t Using Them


But as you can see, online videos can help you:

Increase website traffic
Increase phone calls and in-store traffic
Build brand awareness
Build authority and credibility
Increase sales and conversions


By 2018, it is predicted that 79% of ALL internet traffic will be VIDEO…

Do you have your video marketing strategy in place?


Contact Us Today for a FREE No-Obligation Consultation!

Call: (740) 538-0563

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