Mawlana Rumi is a figure exploited by the dajjal to deviate people

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: Look, in the verses of the Quran, satan says to Almighty God -I seek refuge in God from satan: “He said, ‘By Your misguidance of me, I will lie in ambush for them on your straight path." [Surah al-A'raf, 16] In other words, satan says that he will lie in ambush on the path of Mahdi (as), the Prophet Jesus Messiah (pbuh), on the path of the students of Hazrat Mahdi (as), on the path of the Prophet (saas). He says that he will lay ambushes, spy, commit villainy, hatch schemes, and carry out treacherous deeds. "Then I will come at them, from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left." Look, do you see that this is the tone of a spy? This is a perfect example of the tone of a spy, sneaky and stealthy; "I will come at them, from in front of them and behind them, from their right and from their left." The tone of satan is the philosophy of espionage. "You will not find most of them thankful." [Surah al-A'raf, 17] In other words, satan says that he will misguide many people.

Our Prophet (saas) says: "God will send many demons to the dajjal from the east and the west." For example, God will send many demons from Pakistan, India, and Europe. "And these demons will say to the dajjal 'we are at your command and will do your bidding, so tell us your wish'. As you see, they are currying the dajjal's favor. They are behaving in a sycophantic manner for no reason. "And he will tell them 'disperse and tell people that I am their Lord.'” That he is like God. What does the man say to Rumi? While they are having a conversation, the man says to Rumi 'insha'Allah' and then Rumi responds to him viciously, saying; "why are you saying 'insha'Allah'? You are already in my presence so why do you need to say 'insha'Allah'?" he says. "I am your God, so you don't have to say 'insha'Allah to me" says Rumi. Isn't it the same tone as the one our Prophet (saas) tells us in the hadith? Of course, I am referring to whoever wrote those books; I do not claim Rumi wrote them.

GÖKALP BARLAN: Mr. Adnan, our Almighty God commands the following. I seek refuge in God from accursed satan: "They have taken their rabbis and monks as lords besides God..." [Surah at-Tawba, 31] commands God.


BÜLENT SEZGİN: May I show the excerpt that you have mentioned from Masnavi?


BÜLENT SEZGİN: Page 196: "After Sheik Muhammad Hadim says insha'Allah when Rumi asks him to do something, Rumi shouts at him "You fool! Who is the one asking you?"

ADNAN OKTAR: Look, he calls the man a fool. According to the verse of the Quran, a Muslim is obliged to say 'insha'Allah'. But Rumi tells the man "Do not abide by the Quran, abide by me. I am God after all, so you don't have to say 'insha'


