Toddlers in Clinton and Trump masks throw 'tantrum' after watching presidential debate

  • 8 years ago
Hilarious footage has emerged of toddler twins wearing Trump and Clinton masks having a "tantrum" at the end of yesterday's presidential debate.

The video, filmed in San Francisco, California, shows London and Miles, both two years old, screaming and shouting in comical fashion, as the debate concludes on television in the background.

According to the filmer, the childrens' mother, the debate started with a hug, "but things got out of hand pretty quickly."

"Last week - we were on a Post-church Sunday shopping spree to Walmart," she later wrote online.

"We saw the matching Hillary/Trump Halloween masks for the two-year-old twins [for] $9.95 each."

She then commented on the debate itself, saying: "Things got out of hand pretty quickly.

"No matter if you are Pro-Clinton/Anti-Trump, a Bernout, or a full-fledged Trumpkin this amazing ending to #DebateNight with these toddler twins is everything."
