Elizabeth Warren On Trump: "So Scary, He Keeps Me Up At Night"

  • 8 years ago
Senator Elizabeth Warren recently addressed an audience gathered at the Center for American Progress and shared some of her thoughts on Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren addressed an audience gathered at the Center for American Progress and shared some of her thoughts on Donald Trump. 
She said Trump is, “genuinely scary...so scary, he keeps me up at night." 
Warren also noted the GOP candidate is, “too chicken to even release his tax returns" and suggested that could be "because they would expose his shady foreign financial deals." 
The comments followed her similarly uncomplimentary words about Trump’s grumblings over the New York bombing subject’s access to hospital care and a lawyer. 
Warren had commented, “You just really wonder what kind of vision Donald Trump has for this country. This is what we fight for. We fight for our Constitution. We fight for our basic humanity. And Donald Trump says, let’s throw all that out the window. And let’s do the maximum amount of fearmongering.” 
