• 9 years ago
The controversial bull-lancing festival is underway in the Spanish town of Tordesillas.

This year is different because authorities have banned people from killing the bull as part of the celebrations.

Now the bull will be chased before being led away to be slaughtered.

A poll carried out earlier this year found that fifty-eight percent of adults in Spain opposed bullfighting.

The survey for World Animal Protection found that just nineteen percent approved.

“Last year there were 50,000 people here to watch the Toro de la Vega,” said bull lancing supporter Andres Merino, “and that is for a reason: people like it.”

Tordesillas celebra el primer ‘Toro de la Peña’ con pelea entre partidarios y detractores https://t.co/CpUM13KEwl pic.twitter.com/QGLHGcjAl5— Telediarios de TVE (@telediario_tve) September 13, 2016

“Anybody with at least a little bit of intelligence won’t dare kill a bull like this and these people actually enjoy it,” said one animal rights activist. “What do you want me to say about them. They are savages and inhuman.”

Spain’s centuries-old traditions involving the ritual slaying of bulls are facing rising opposition by many who claim the events are cruel.

In 2011 the northeastern region of Catalonia banned bullfighting outright.

Enfrentamientos en #Tordesillas entre partidarios del #TorodelaVega con animalistas antes del Toro de la Peña. pic.twitter.com/HUQFRzqaxR— Tropa Antifa (@TropaAntifa) September 13, 2016


