emHOME - uspavanka 2007

  • 8 years ago
M-homeINside 16.11.2007
Traditional Bosniaks Lulaby
Spavaj sine, rasti spavajući /// Sleep you my son, growup in sleep
Na veliko brdo gledajući. /// by gazing at the big hill,
Odakle će mio babo doći. /// wherefrom your beloved Dad should come.
Babo doći i donijeti svašta /// Your Dad comes and brings things up,
A najviše zdravlja i veselja. /// health and joy at the most.
La Illahe Illalah /// La Illahe Illalah
San u bešu, nesanak pod bešu/ May the dream be in your cradle, the insomnia under it.
Nesanak ti voda odnijela /// May insomnia be away carried by water,
Za veliko brdo zanijela. /// and hidden behind big mountain.
Dušmani ti pod nogama bili /// May your enemies be under your feet,
Tebi sine ništa naudili. /// so thay couldn’t harm you my son.
La Illahe Illalah /// La Illahe Illalah