Florida Woman Accused Of Suffocating Husband As He Lay In Hospital Bed

  • 8 years ago
A woman in Florida is accused of suffocating her husband while he was unresponsive and in a hospital bed.

A woman in Florida is accused of suffocating her husband while he was unresponsive and in a hospital bed. 

It is alleged that on May 19th, Jan Sochalski, held the man’s nostrils closed until he succumbed to asphyxia. 

Henry Sochalski had first been admitted to the Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center in Daytona Beach in early April to undergo surgery on his back.

On the 9th of that month, he suffered both respiratory and cardiac arrest and had been receiving palliative care since. 

According to some medical staff, in the weeks following, Mrs. Sochalski began acting erratically and once requested her husband be given medication to slow his breathing. 

She was arrested in connection with his death on Monday and is facing a second-degree murder charge.