Putin Wary About Nibiru Deal With Trump.

  • 8 years ago

In June, former KGB and GRU agent Strelnikov Isaak Stepanovich risked his life by going public with information about the dark star known as Nibiru.

His shocking information provided a glimpse of how Russia, and formerly the Soviet Union, wanted to warn the world about Nibiru, but was thwarted by western threats of a nuclear holocaust.His startling revelation laid the foundation for a series of articles proving that for over thirty years a panic-stricken White House has desperately sought to prevent scientific evidence about Nibiru fromNibiru-spotted-recent-blood-moon-300x225reaching the public; Russia, on the other hand, has argued in favor of public disclosure. Rather than rehash the content of those articles in this piece, links to each article, in chronological order, can be found beneath this piece. To summarize, the Obama administration begged for help from an unlikely ally, Donald J. Trump, who negotiated an eleventh-hour deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In exchange for Putin’s eternal silence on the Nibiru topic, Donald Trump promised to dismantle the Nibiru cover-up and go public as his first presidential act.Now, Stepanovich provides new information hinting at turmoil within the Kremlin. According to former agent Stepanovich, Putin has received questionable information causing him to question Trump’s sincerity. Within a few days of the Putin-Trump agreement, a series of memos began arriving at the Russian Embassy in Washington. The documents were in a sealed diplomatic pouch, labeled “For Putin’s Eyes Only.”

When civilisation collapses, he predicts, the world will go back to barter.

Urges everyone to have a disaster-preparedness kit containing enough food, water and other supplies to last 72 hours. This is sensible advice, and preppers have a point when they mock those who ignore it.“Still sealed in the pouches, these confidential documents were placed aboard the first available flight and flown directly to Moscow,” trump-1-1024x576Stepanovich said. “A courier stood ready to retrieve the documents, hand deliver them to President Putin. What President Putin knows, only President Putin knows, but he became extremely distressed reading the information contained therein. His hands, they say, shook visibly. This is very grave and dangerous situation for both Russia and the Untied States.”

Stepanovich admits he never saw the original documents, but insists copies were surreptitiously created and leaked beyond the Kremlin’s walls. He viewed one such facsimile; it contained evidence that Putin had been deceived by Trump, who had no intention on publicly disclosing information about Nibiru. http://www.prepperfortress.com/putin-wary-nibiru-deal-trump/


