Man uses drone to catch a large fish in a lake (long version)

  • 8 years ago
An incredible video has emerged from Canada of a man using a drone to catch a large fish in a lake.

The footage, filmed on Lake Champlain near Montreal on Friday, shows YouTuber Viva Frei challenging himself to catch a fish in a "real body of water" after seeing people using drones to catch fish in small ponds.

He later wrote online: "I had seen a couple of guys 'catching' fish with their drones, using worms on a hook in some small pond, but where is the challenge in that?

"So I decided to try and catch a fish the real way - by trolling a lure on a real body of water."

"I tied some fishing line to my drone, attached a jitterbug (a topwater lure), and set out to try and make internet history," he continued.

"Truthfully, I did not expect anything to happen because I had tried a few times before, and just sputtered around until my battery went dead, but this time, on Lake Champlain, not only did I succeed, but I hooked the biggest smallmouth bass of my life.

"After I hooked it and managed to land it, I ran it to my wife for a quick photo op, and then ran it back to the water to release it.

"It swam off the enjoy the day, and I ran off and will spend the next ten years of my life talking about this - It was EPIC!"