В Сирийской армии плечом к плечу воюют как мужчины, так и женщины. В Алеппском сражении принимают участие несколько женских отрядов. Некоторые из них работают снайперами, а некоторые штурмуют позиции боевиков. Между мужчинами и женщинами на передовой нет никаких различий...
The Syrian army are fighting shoulder to shoulder, both men and women. In Aleppo battle attended by several women's groups. Some of them work as snipers, the other militants attack the terrorist positions. Between men and women on the front line there is no difference...
The Syrian army are fighting shoulder to shoulder, both men and women. In Aleppo battle attended by several women's groups. Some of them work as snipers, the other militants attack the terrorist positions. Between men and women on the front line there is no difference...