kitty car ride

  • 16 years ago
On my way to deliver Kahlo, aka "Puff" and her mother, Kiwi to my girlfriend's new apartment their sorrowful cries call out to me, "don't do this! you know she'll never scoop our litterbox! we just got used to Grace and Huckleberry, now we'll be forced to tolerate two new cats and a huge beast of a dog, a dog so frightening, he'll haunt us in our nightmares, we'll be too scared to sleep, afraid the behemoth would sit on us without notice and crush our little bones...let us stay with you!"...I agreed in order to keep the peace...and I tried to overlook that time about a year ago when my girlfriend said, "Kiwi had kittens, will you please take one, pleeeeaaaase!" and her roomate chimed, "c'mon, you know you want a cute, adorable little kitten." And she was cute, and she was adorable and I saw that she was good. So I said, "yes." That's Puff on the dash, I'm filming and the other cat is driving.

