• hace 9 años
Sasha banks vs Charlotte WWE Women's Championship SummerSlam 2016 Single Match Prediction

Charlotte quiere de vuelta el título de Campeona Femenina de WWE. La empresa de lucha libre confirmó la revancha contra la actual monarca, Sasha Banks, para SummerSlam 2016. El anuncio oficial será dado en la emisión de Monday Night Raw.

Tras una vibrante y sensacional lucha, The Boss se coronó Campeona Femenina de WWE por primera vez. Constancia, habilidad, una pequeña treta, capacidad de soportar duro castigo y una perfecta aplicación de su Bank Statement le dio la victoria por sumisión en el pasado Raw.

La noche del 25 de julio, Sasha Banks puso fin al reinado de 309 días de Charlotte. La pelea fue tan asombrosa que incluso fue señalado como el símbolo del cambio hacia la nueva era de WWE y de Raw -a la vez de explicar con wrestling la revolución femenina dentro de la empresa-.

Sasha Banks y Charlotte son rivales desde su paso por NXT. En la marca amarilla fue también The Boss quien le arrebató el título de campeona a la hija de Ric Flair. Y desde que ascendieron a WWE estuvieron compitiendo una contra la otra.

Tras la victoria de Sasha Banks se especuló que Charlotte se tomaría un tiempo de descanso. Esto sin embargo fue desmentido por Dave Meltzer y Bryan Alvarez de "Wrestling Observer"; por lo que se infiere que la rivalidad entre ambas luchadoras seguirá siendo parte del menú de WWE y especialmente de Raw.

The highly anticipated bout will take place on Aug. 21 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, which is the same venue at which Banks and Bayley had what many considered to be the match of the year at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn in 2015.

Sasha and Charlotte have engaged in several battles dating back to their time together in NXT, and they have established themselves as the faces of what WWE has branded as the women's revolution.

Charlotte enjoyed a dominant reign as WWE women's champion that lasted over 300 days. The title was still called the Divas Championship when she initially won it, but after beating Banks and Becky Lynch in a Triple Threat match at WrestleMania, she became the first women's champion since the belt was brought back into existence.

Banks promises to be the crowd favorite in Brooklyn due to the magic she and Bayley created there last year, but the resourceful daughter of WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair figures to have a few tricks up her sleeve, including the presence of her protege—Dana Brooke.

The Boss and Charlotte put on one of the best main-roster women's matches in recent memory on Raw, and they set a high bar for themselves to reach or top with regard to their tilt at SummerSlam.

If they manage to turn in a similar performance on one of WWE's biggest stages, however, it could work wonders for the continued development of high-level women's wrestling within the company.


