Esteemed RecepTayyipErdoğan is a man of the people, he is a sincere child of this country

  • 8 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: I have warned Teacher Erdoğan many times to be cautious of those close to him; I even send a message to him. And my warnings have come true. I warned him both on TV and via a message. Teacher Tayyip is the son, the citizen of our country, he is a modest person. They call him "Sultan" or similar names; he is someone who advocates temperance, moderation. He says, "Where I belong is 6 feet under the ground. I am here to serve my people." It is a shame to give him such a hard time. In Turkey, the majority of the voters are conservatives; these people have found a conservative leader and are following him. If there was another conservative leader as driven and determined as him, the people would follow him as well. It is not because he is special. What Turkish people seek is to meet on a conservative ground. You cannot force the right to be left, or the left to be right. Since the right-wing needs a leader, people will choose one. Back in the day, that leader was Menderes, and then came Özal, who was followed by Demirel; if there is anotherperson who is just as determined and driven, then vote that leader in. Teacher Tayyip will surely approve of him. If there is such a leader, we will vote him to power. They keep calling Erdoğan "Sultan!" What sultan? Why would he seek to become a sultan? He is a person we all know very well since he grew up among us. But these people speak as if he came from space. Don't you know Teacher Tayyip? You do. You know him well from his time in the Saadet Party and other duties; we know him since his youth. He was also the mayor of Istanbul. He is known by millions. He does not appear just recently. Why would he seek to become a sultan? He is working hard to protect the right-wing from harm. I would understand your concerns if he was not a person we knew well and then became a President. But he is someone we know since his childhood, so what is your problem? What would he achieve by becoming a sultan? He is already the head of Turkey.
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