• 9 years ago
This Leopard Killed Two Childrens in Abbottabad. Wild Life Department Capture him alive after Long Struggle. Now this Leopard is in the Cage. He is very angry & attack on every human being. Sultan Dogar,
location and health management of Common Leopard in Abbottabad Wildlife Division.DFO Wildlife Abbottabad has trained local staff in trapping, tranqulizing and translocation of predators.

The common leopard blends in with its surroundings, knows how to choose its prey, has learnt to conduct its kills silently and escape without a clue. Such is its terror and mystique that it is often referred to as the “Ghost of the Jungle.” On the Indian Ocean island of Zanzibar where, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), they are likely extinct, but they still thrive in myths which portray them as ghosts kept by shamans with supernatural powers to hunt and terrorise villagers.

The beast in the Galiyat was so ferocious in its demeanour that even when trapped it managed to scare the living daylights out of its captors. It is said that out of fear, a group of Punjab Police officials killed the caged beast by firing at it from point-blank range. A post-mortem was carried out later, but no human traces were found in the leopard’s digestive tract!
Although, the killings stopped after the incident, some believe that the “ghost” lives on and has only left the Ayubia National Park for greener pastures. The ghost lived up to its name even in death. Each new episode of killings by Common Leopards evokes memories of the ghost for those who lived through its time and many late evening conversations around bonfires in chilling temperatures revolve around questions like “Could it be that the ghost is back from the dead? Or perhaps it never was killed in the first place?”

The cat is now found out of the woods and in populated areas. Deforestation and human encroachment of the forests is slowly resulting in loss of leopard habitat while bringing the animal in close interaction with man. People in the Galiyat and Azad Jammu and Kashmir are increasingly using new tools, such as all-terrain-vehicles (quad bikes), to hunt animals such as deer, pheasants and rabbits that are a leopard’s prey. With shrinking habitat and diminishing food, the leopard often preys on scavenging dogs and monkeys that loiter around garbage dumps near human settlements.

Sometimes, leopards attack cattle which are easier to hunt than their natural prey. An old or injured leopard may find it easy to prey on weaker humans and end up developing a taste for human flesh. In the Kumaon district of northern India in the early 20th century, a leopard is said to have been wounded by a poacher such that the animal was unable to hunt its natural prey. The leopard then turned into a man-eater and is said to have devoured up to 400 people before acclaimed British hunter and conservationist Jim Corbett killed it in 1910.

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