A clear message from the French Muslims: terrorism is not Islam

  • 8 years ago
Following the tragedy that occured in Nice, France, on Bastille day, several Nice's muslims residents spoke up dissociate their religion from the horrific act.
They shared their hurt feelings to Newsweek; "What happened on Thursday has nothing at all to do with Islam because the person who did it wasn’t a Muslim,” said Abdulmonam in Arabic.
For Nice's muslim, Bouhlel was a deviant who has nothing to do with Islam and does surely not represent their community.
A neighbour added; Bouhlel “is going straight to hell”.
“Islam is salam, it’s peace.
This man did not practice the religion.
No Ramadan, no prayer.
This was an animal.
This is a contradiction with Islam.”
The family of the terrorist reported to police officers that Bouhlel saw psychiatrist for years and was either depressed or violent.


