Hedley singer prank calls woman's dad during concert

  • 8 years ago
A funny video has emerged of Hedley singer, Jacob Hoggard, prank calling a member of the audience's father because she was texting during their show.

The footage, shot on Sunday in Quebec City, Canada, shows Hoggard trying to call the woman's work and mother without answer.

Eventually, he calls her father, Michel, and tells him that his daughter is "really drunk" so he needs to pick her up before asking if he can marry her.

The father can be heard laughing as he understands the call is a joke and Hoggard ends the conversation saying: "Anyways Michel, your daughter is in good hands, she's very beautiful, I'm gonna marry her tonight or at least get her pregnant, I love you so much, tell her not to text."

Once he hangs up the singer throws the phone back to the woman and says "that's what you get for texting at a Hedley show."
