165 min | Drama | 2014
IMDb Score: 8,0/10
Every year for twelve years, director Richard Linklater reunited the same actors for a unique film about family and the time that passes. We’ll follow young Mason when he’s just six all the way up to adulthood when he’s living with his sister and mother, who has since separated from his father. Moves, friends, new school years, first loves, the little things and the big decisions which define his youth and prepare him for being an adult…
#adolescence #childhood #documentary
165 min | Drama | 2014
IMDb Score: 8,0/10
Every year for twelve years, director Richard Linklater reunited the same actors for a unique film about family and the time that passes. We’ll follow young Mason when he’s just six all the way up to adulthood when he’s living with his sister and mother, who has since separated from his father. Moves, friends, new school years, first loves, the little things and the big decisions which define his youth and prepare him for being an adult…
#adolescence #childhood #documentary
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