• 9 years ago
This is in response to a video posted today, July 7th, by Casey Neistat. While some of the comments I make are addressed to him directly, many of my comments are to those who believe in some of the concepts I speak about. I have been a subscriber of Casey's for some time, respect his work greatly, and simply wanted to lend my voice to his discussion.
Casey had every right to refer to his life as privileged. It is, he leads a privileged life. Saying that doesn't take away anything he has accomplished, it's not negating his hard work. Compared to the majority of the population around the world, he does live a privileged life. He has wealth, he has freedom, and he has opportunities that most don't have; why shouldn't he be allowed to acknowledge that? You're putting your own bias on his words.
I have not watched Casey Niestat in a few months, Stoped watching him a few months after he started his second round of vlogs. Because of this I do not usually comment of put my opinion out there but I definitely don't agree with what he is saying. We live in a capitalistic world, The end. Everything you have, are, and lack is all a product of nothing but your own hard work or there lack off. I did not get where I am because my family was rich(We were really fucking poor), or because I was white, or because I was "smart"(Was dyslexic all my life, could not read and still have trouble reading for long periods of time today) its not because I got "lucky", It is because I worked my ass off, got up when I fell down, and never gave up.
Something I Need To Say... - Vlogmas Day 23 Amelia Liana
