• 9 years ago
http://lifeskillstv.pk .... Hijama is a Prophetic Treatment that is known as Cupping therapy. It’s a process in which the body toxins are detoxified through blood drainage. Hijama is an effective treatment for various diseases like backache, lower back pain, injuries, skin problems and allergies, arthritis, weight loss, sports injuries, poor circulation, varicose veins, emotional and psychological disorders like depression, stress and anxiety, blood pressure, sounds in the ear, kidney problems, disorders of the bones, muscles, joints and nervous system such as arthritis, carpal tunnel, neuralgia, migraine headaches, insomnia, dizziness and neck and shoulder pain, stomach problems like constipation, diarrhea and much more.

Prophetﷺ himself used to get through this treatment. The importance of this treatment can be judged by this Hadith:
Narrated by Ibn-e Masood،ؓ, he heard Prophetﷺ while discussing The Night Journey, “Upon every group of angels he passed by, they said to Prophetﷺ that he should order his ummah to cure through cupping.”
