Shah Rukh Khan Advice To Ranbir Kapoor !

  • 8 years ago
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We all know that Ranbir Kapoor isn’t having the best time in Bollywood right now. He has spoken about his insecure career as well after his films didn’t get the buck at the box office. But he need not worry as everyone from the industry is standing by him. After his cousin Kareena spoke about his talent now it is superstar King Khan himself who has spoken for Ranbir. In a recent interview when he was asked if he had any advice for Ranbir he was quick to say, “No advice; the only thing that you need to realise that, if you believe that you have a great talent that Ranbir Kapoor has, nothing can stop him; neither four films nor 40 films. He is a fantastic actor. He is a brilliant actor. " Such appreciation is enough we think for the Kapoor boy!
