• 9 years ago
Drag your mouse in any direction to get a 360-degree perspective of Nduta camp in Tanzania. Psychologist George Hunter describes what more than 100,000 Burundians in Nduta and nearby Nyarugusu camps have been going through since political violence began forcing them from their homes in April 2015. They have lost everything, yet there is little awareness of their situation in the international community.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is working in three camps in Tanzania to provide medical and logistical assistance.

Find out about MSF’s touring exhibition, Forced From Home, which will feature 360-degree video and virtual reality documentaries that show the realities of displacement around the world at: http://www.forcedfromhome.com/
#ForcedFromHome #360Video

If you're having trouble viewing in full 360 using Chrome browser, go to: Chrome Preferences -- Advanced Settings -- System -- turn ON Use Hardware Acceleration When Available

This is a production of Doctors Without Borders (http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org) who have labelled it under the CC Attribution Licence. All credit belongs to them.
