Friendship Day' Cyber Event by Salman Khan & Shahrukh Khan Fans

  • 8 years ago
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Even though Bollywood’s two top superstars Shahrukh and Salman Khan have ended the bad blood and extended the hand of friendship once again, it seems that many of their fans still consider their animosity. In an attempt to mend bridges between the fans of the actors, the fan clubs of Shahrukh and Salman have now decided to jointly host a cyber event on the occasion of Friendship Day on August 2, to mark the start of a new phase of amity between the two superstars. The gesture is also meant to spread peace and love among the two camps who always seem to be at loggerheads. It will also discourage extensive abuse and trolling of the superstars by thousands of rival fans. The clubs, have reportedly received encouragement from the actors too, to go ahead with the idea. While the exact nature of the online event is yet to be disclosed, it is expected that fans of one superstar will get a chance to compliment the other through messages.