A Biopic On Amitabh Bachchan Soon | Watch Video

  • 8 years ago
A Biopic On Amitabh Bachchan Soon | Watch Video

Biopics are becoming a trend in the Bollywood industry. Well, Megastar Amitabh Bachchan just turned 73 and during a press event, he was asked about biopic to be made on his life, he said, "I don't think a film should be made on me. I am not in that trend (biopic). I don't think I am capable of that. It will be a flop." Big B also said that he would be okay if someone makes a biopic on his father, writer and poet, Harivanshrai Bachchan. He said, "I will not stop anyone who wants to make a film on my dad's life.” Mr Bachchan who has inspired a whole generation of actors also said that Dilip Kumar and Waheeda Rehman are his inspirations. To know more interesting gossips, tune into our channel.

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