• 9 years ago
Have you ever wondered how someone like me makes money on the internet?

I asked you guys on Snapchat (OMGitsEddieGee) and got so many responses, I thought I’d just do a youtube video about it.

Please note, this is how I make money on my platforms…Not all creators or “influencers” are the same. Just my personal example. As always, I appreciate you guys supporting my channel and the crazy videos I do. If you want to buy a shirt, candle, wallet or other merchandise to help me keep my channel up and running, you can buy them here:


If you are one of my biggest supporters go here to become a Bomber, you could win a “Knowledge" T-shirt!: http://www.OMGitsEddieG.com/bomber

Let me know in the comments, are you cool with the people you follow doing sponsored videos, or do you still think they are sellouts?


Hi, I'm Eddie. New Videos Every Thursday! http://www.bit.ly/SubscribeToEddieG


YouTube................ http://youtube.com/EddieG
Twitter................ http://twitter.com/OMGitsEddieG
Facebook........... http://facebook.com/OhEmGeeItsEddieG
Instagram.......... http://instagram.com/OMGitsEddieG
Google+............. http://plus.google.com/+ohemgeeitseddieg
Tumblr............... http://OMGItsEddieG.tumblr.com
Snapchat............OMGItsEddieGee (TWO EE's!)



【ツ】WIN a free T-shirt【ツ】


【ツ】Mail Me Something【ツ】

Eddie G!
P.O. Box 1054
San Fernando, CA 91340


Raul Guerra


Music Sources: AudioMicro and MelodyLoops.com
'Thats Me' by Mike Nowa
'Music Box' by Geoff Harvey
'Hopping Along' by E.L. Mahon
'Rock Star' by Owen Mulcahy
"EDM Pop Rock" by Caramusic
Royalty Free Music under Creative Commons License CC BY-ND 3.0

Blackboard in classroom with text (Knowledge Bomb) by Vector Open Stock | www.vectoropenstock.com


