Pulse Gay Massacre Story Unravels - "The Fog of Breaking News"

  • 8 years ago
The initial narrative of the Pulse 'Gay Massacre' disintegrates as new evidence casts an entirely different light. The superficial psychic driving was obviously supposed to be for more illegal laws for gun control, and more agitation against Muslims. Now, the implications are becoming entirely different.

The corporate media attribute the failure to the "fog of breaking news." What was supposed to be another "new 9/11" is now going the way of the fake Boston Marathon bombing.





ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, media, State Department, Mateen, Pulse, Gay, Orlando, Obama, massacre, mass shooting, news, Omar Mateen, G4S, victims, deaths, Florida, false flag, fake terrorism, terrorist, propaganda, Gladio-B, FBI, FEMA, DHS, drill, fake news, crisis actors, LGBT, Pulse club, staged, actors, fake injuries, gun control, politics