Someday Sweetheart - Society Four 1999

  • 16 years ago
Someday Sweetheart – Society Four 1999
In 1999 when Simon Stribling, the leader of one of Australia’s best jazzbands ( ) had just moved to Western Canada we became best of friends. Next to being an extremely good trumpet player I found out that Simon also was a gifted player on many other instruments. He played clarinet, all the saxophones, trombone and was a mean sousaphone player. We started a band. We called it the Society Four, Five, Six or Seven depending on who wanted to hire us and the number went up depending on the buyers budget. Unfortunately we never made any videos so we have to cope in this clip with pictures. In this clip Simon plays the clarinet. To me is one of the jazziest clarinet men I ever had the chance to play with. He doesn’t think too highly of it himself on this instrument. There are feelings of Teschemacher, Pee Wee Russell and of course he has been influenced by the fabulous Australian Ade Monsbourgh.
The band: Simon Stribling clarinet, Don Ogilvie guitar, Paul Bergmann bass and yours Bob Erwig on cornet.
The accompanying pictures are just some photos of Simon and myself on different occasions.