• 9 yıl önce
Maher Zain - Allah Ya Moulana | ماهر زين - الله يا مولانا | (Official Lyrics 2016)

Lyrics: Ahmed Al-Yafie
Melody: Maher Zain & Nas El-Ghiwan
Arrangement: Emre Moğulkoç, Maher Zain
Video by: Abdulrahman El Abyad
"Allah Ya Moulana - الله يا مولانا" Lyrics:

الله معنا .. تسمعنا وترانا
Allah ma’ana, tasma’ouna wa tarana
(Allah You’re with us, you hear and see us)

الله الله إنا.. نرجوك الغفران
Allah Allah inna narjoukal ghufrana
(Allah, Allah we ask You for Your forgiveness)

أصلح نوايانا .. واغفر خطايانا
Aslih nawayana, waghfir khatayana
(Purify our intentions, forgive our mistakes)

الله الله واجعل .. في الجنة مثوانا
Allah Allah waj’al fil Jannati mathwana
(Allah Allah and make Paradise our final place)

الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness my Master)

بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)

الله يا مولانا .. الله الله يا الله مولانا
Allah ya Moulana, Allah Allah ya’Allah Moulana,
(Allah O our Master! Allah Allah, O Allah our Master!)

الله يا مولانا .. حالي ما يخفاك يا الواحد ربي
Allah ya Moulana, hali ma yekhfak ya al-wahid Rabbee
(Allah O our Master! My condition is not hidden from You, O The One, my Lord!)

زدنا إيمانا .. وألهمنا الإحسان
Zidna imana, wa alhimnal ihsana
(Increase us in faith, and inspire us to excellence)

الله الله ندعوك.. بلغنا منانا
Allah Allah nad’ouk ballighna mounana
(Allah Allah we ask you to grant us our wishes)

ثبِّتنا وارْعَنا .. واسقنا القرآن
Thabbitna war’ana, wasqinal Qur’ana
(Make us steadfast and protect us, and allow us to taste the sweetness of the Quran)

الله الله نرجوك.. أن تجيب دعانا
Allah Allah narjouk, an tujiba du’ana
(Allah Allah we beseech You to answer our prayers)

الله، ربي.. أسعدنا مولانا
Allah, Rabbee, as’idna mawlana
(Allah, my Lord, grant us happiness our Master)

بدنيانا وأخرانا
Bidonyana wa okhrana
(In our life and in the Hereafter)


الله الله الله.. الله يا مولانا
Allah Allah Allah, Allah ya Moulana
(Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah O our Master)

ربي صلِ على محمد نبينا
Rabbee salli ‘ala Muhammad Nabina
(My Lord send you peace upon Muhammad our Prophet)

من حلّ في طيبةْ نورا وسكينةْ
Man halla fi Taiba nooran wa sakina
(He who descended upon Taiba (Medina) as light and peace)
Awakening Records is a pioneering and dynamic record label headquartered in London with offices in California and Cairo. Awakening introduced to the world global music sensations – the likes of Maher Zain, Sami Yusuf, and Harris J. We produce faith inspired and value driven content. Our songs and music videos on Youtube and other digital platforms have been enjoyed by billions across the world. Awakening Records manages and represents Maher Zain (Sweden), Mesut Kurtis (Macedonia), Hamza Namira (Egypt), Raef (USA), Harris J (UK) and Humood AlKhudher (Kuwait).

© 2016 Awakening Records


