♥ 안녕하세요 여러분 씬님입니다. 오늘은 2016 트렌드 메이크업 3탄! 스틱 컨투어링 메이크업으로 돌아왔는데요. 스틱 컨투어링 제품을 활용한 이 메이크업 역시 작년, 제작년부터 한국에서도 유행하고 있죠. 전 평소에 별로 안하지만요 ㅎㅎ
Hi guys this is SSIN. Today is the third epi of 2016 makeup trends. Today’s makeup trend is Stick Contouring Makeup. This, also, isn’t new but it blew up in Korea since the end of last year. So I’m gonna show you guys how to contour with stick makeup. Let’s start and bring life to our flat face.
♥ 앞으로도 매주 한편씩 트렌드 리포터처럼 메이크업 스킬을 가져올테니, 씬님채널 꼭 구독해주시고 또 놀러오세요 안녕~
I will release this video segment every week. So stay tuned.
♥ 즐겁게 보셨다면 좋아요+덧글 부탁드릴게요 안녕~
If you enjoyed, plz subscribe ssin and leave comments! Thank you!
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- KAKAO STORY 카카오스토리 : https://ch.kakao.com/channels/@ssinnim
- BLOG 블로그 : http://melonies90.blog.me
Hi guys this is SSIN. Today is the third epi of 2016 makeup trends. Today’s makeup trend is Stick Contouring Makeup. This, also, isn’t new but it blew up in Korea since the end of last year. So I’m gonna show you guys how to contour with stick makeup. Let’s start and bring life to our flat face.
♥ 앞으로도 매주 한편씩 트렌드 리포터처럼 메이크업 스킬을 가져올테니, 씬님채널 꼭 구독해주시고 또 놀러오세요 안녕~
I will release this video segment every week. So stay tuned.
♥ 즐겁게 보셨다면 좋아요+덧글 부탁드릴게요 안녕~
If you enjoyed, plz subscribe ssin and leave comments! Thank you!
[Follow me on SNS] 씬님의 소식을 실시간으로 만나보세요!
- FACEBOOK 페이스북 : http://www.facebook.com/ssinnim.official
- INSTAGRAM 인스타그램 : http://www.instagram.com/ssinnim
- FAN COMMUNITY 팬카페 : http://cafe.naver.com/ssinnimofficial
- TWITTER 트위터 : https://twitter.com/ssinnim
- KAKAO STORY 카카오스토리 : https://ch.kakao.com/channels/@ssinnim
- BLOG 블로그 : http://melonies90.blog.me